Majolica Majorca Workshop 29.10.11

was late few minutes :">

thank you for all the tips :D

with Suzy, the lights on this picture is kinda horrible lol

with Pam and Erica 

with Thiamere

it was fun! met new people like the two ladies above hehe and one of my friend bloggers Thiamere, super nice to meet you in person dear =) i hope we can meet and chat next time ;) and ill be glad to see the rest of bloggers hehe. i was actually looking around if i will recognize anyone and spotted her. I was not able to take photos of the prods it was kinda crowded.

i grabbed some tips i did not know - face illusion tips

(to make long faces shrink a little)
Put on Blush powder on your apple circle instead more on the side
For the eyebrows shape it lower than usual

(to make circle faces look a little longer)
Do the opposite put on Blush powder on the sides
For the eyebrows shape it higher than usual

Next Event is Shiseido Workshop but im not very sure if i can make it
There is also a Pastry Shop opening i want to attend to ^^ 

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