Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011) in 3D [Review]


Date Watched: May 20, 2011
Time: 9pm onwards

couldn't wait! dear heavens and i still wana watched it on DVDs

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (yuh i know i dig this movie)

Gosh i missed Jack, first time i actually saw a member of his family hmmm..
all the chasing marine-pirate thinggy i missed it! Jack is always an epic win and an epic fail at the same time..how does he do that?
penelope didnt impress me much, i like kiera more in terms of character and beauty
Mermaids such beauty..
love the 3D effects, nice job Disney!

Gosh i need to rewatch all the movies of this..even if i did watch them each twice or five times
this is one of my ultimate movies

However this movie wasnt that much exciting like the previous movies, lack of supernatural pirates i guess..but still its a great movie.

Favorite Lines:
Jack (to everyone): Did you see that? coz i wont be doin' that again..
Jack (to penelope): so..u lied to me when u were telling the truth?..thats good i gotta use that..
Jack (to penelope): if i were to choose between your sister and your dog, ill choose the dog

a Sailor (to the religious guy): its either you are with us or against us?
the religious guy: Im nor with you or against you!
Sailor to Jack: Can he do that?

Anyway here is the trailer

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